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Homeopathy is about to explode onto the American scene. 


We are currently at the threshold of an opportunity for exponential growth in homeopathy.  When the FDA released their draft guidance against homeopathy in December of 2017, they awakened a sleeping community of consumers who demand customer choice and free access to homeopathic remedies.  This growing consumer voice is becoming more informed and organized and seeks the best products and care in pursuit of health through homeopathy.  This results in an increasing demand for homeopathy producers and practitioners and a growing market for homeopathic remedies and health solutions.


As consumers engage more directly with the homeopathy community, it is important to bring unity and connection between all stakeholders, strengthening our collective voice to address outside threats or internal areas of focus or improvement.  The establishment of the Homeopathy Consumer Council (HCC) aims to accomplish this – not by just being another organization – but by leading and managing a networking effort, giving all participants an equal opportunity to be heard and participate.  


The end result is a 'clear voice community' that empowers homeopathy.


Consumers want the freedom to choose homeopathy, having access to quality products & practitioners. Find more info about consumer organizations.



Producers reach their goals when consumers are both informed and empowered to choose homeopathy.  Find a homeopathic pharmacy or another homeopathy producer.



Qualified practitioners support the individualized care of their clients, helping consumers gain access to high-quality homeopathy.  Find a practitioner,  professional organization, or learn about schools where you can become a homeopath.

Homeopathy is...

Federally recognized...

Homeopathy is a federally recognized form of medicine. 

Backed by thousands of research studies..

Homeopathy is backed by thousands of research studies, papers, and clinical trials. 

The Food Drug & Cosmetic Act...

The FD&CA classifies homeopathic medicines as drugs, and standards for the evaluation & approval of homeopathic medicine are defined in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.

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Our mission is to connect the various parts of the homeopathy community.  Through collaboration we empower consumer access to homeopathy. 

© Homeopathy Consumer Council

Washington, DC

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